Gambling Software and Pay Per Head Info
Player Management and Your Pay Per Head Software

Player Management and Your Pay Per Head Software

There are a lot of benefits to using a bookie pay per head software. It is, after all, created to help bookies manage every step of their sportsbook business. Today, however, in our latest bookie tutorial, we will be featuring one aspect of being a bookie that is very important to your sportsbook- player management and your pay per head software.

Player management in a bookie PPH should be easy. But, let us start with the caveat that not all bookie pay per head providers are created equal. Thus, your mileage may vary when it comes to this feature. But we will take about the best practice in the industry, since this is what Bwager offers its bookies. Some providers will require to you to contact them when you need to add or remove a player. Some have inflexible limit adjustments.

Player Management and Your Pay Per Head Software

Player Management and Your Pay Per Head SoftwareWith the best pay per head provider, you can actually add players on your own. You just need to visit the player management section, and see what you can do. First, you can create a profile for your player there. Next, you can also adjust any betting limit that you have. This can be personalized per player, or you can specify an amount across the board; it really depends on your preference. If you are the type who extends credit limits to your players, you can do so here.

You can also view the betting activity of your players. You can easily track their wagers, their win percentage, and other relevant data that you can use to improve your sportsbook. If your player is inactive or you find someone you want to remove, you can also delete their accounts yourself. Any changes that you make also happens in real time, which is very important when it comes to sports betting.


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