Gambling Software and Pay Per Head Info
Louisiana Online Sports Betting Launch Hits $40 Million

Louisiana Online Sports Betting Launch Hits $40 Million

The Louisiana Online Sports Betting launch was very successful, with sportsbooks generating $40.5 million in wagers in just 4 days. Sports betting software companies launched their mobile betting operations back in January 28. The $40.5 million handle serves as the handle for both its first 4 days of operation, and its handle for the month […]

Illinois Sports Betting Handle Breaks Record in October

Illinois Sports Betting Handle Breaks Record in October

Illinois is another state to break its record for the highest monthly sports betting handle. The Illinois sports betting handle for October is at $840.4 million. This gives us a 93.5% year-on year handle from October 2020’s report. It is also 41% higher than September’s handle of $591.8 million. The previous record of the state […]

New Jersey Sportsbooks Rack Up $1.3 Billion in Bets for October

New Jersey Sportsbooks Rack Up $1.3 Billion in Bets for October

New Jersey sportsbooks made headlines last month, breaking the $1 billion mark in their monthly total sports betting handle for September. But the Garden State breaks its own highest recorded handle in October, recording $1.3 billion in wagers. The upward trend in increasing handle shows what many of our Bwager experts are saying- September’s handle […]