Gambling Software and Pay Per Head Info
Illinois Sports Betting Handle Drops in April

Illinois Sports Betting Handle Drops in April

In the latest news in our sportsbook pay per head blog, the Illinois sports betting handle drops in April. There is a 16% decrease from the previous month, which at first glance, seems to be a budding problem for the betting industry. But as most bookies know, seeing a decrease in business activity, which can […]

Illinois’ Sports Betting Streak Ends

Illinois’ Sports Betting Streak Ends

In February, Illinois broke its streak of four consecutive months with legal sports betting handles exceeding a billion dollars. This is reported by the Illinois Gaming Board, as part of their monthly releasing of betting figures. Over the past few months, sportsbooks in the state have enjoyed a total monthly betting handle that exceeds the […]

Illinois Sports Betting Handle Breaks Record in October

Illinois Sports Betting Handle Breaks Record in October

Illinois is another state to break its record for the highest monthly sports betting handle. The Illinois sports betting handle for October is at $840.4 million. This gives us a 93.5% year-on year handle from October 2020’s report. It is also 41% higher than September’s handle of $591.8 million. The previous record of the state […]

Illinois Sportsbook Industry Records $400M For August

Illinois Sportsbook Industry Records $400M For August

The Illinois sportsbook industry posts a $400.4 million total sports betting handle for the month of August. This is 8.5% higher than the July handle of $369.1 million. This makes Illinois have the third largest betting market in the country for the month, based on betting handle. Many like the best pay per head sportsbook […]

Illinois Casinos To Shut Down Due to Rise in COVID-19 Cases

Illinois Casinos To Shut Down Due to Rise in COVID-19 Cases

Illinois Casinos will need to shut down due to the rise in COVID-19 cases starting Friday. This will be part of Tier 3 restrictions that Illinois will set. Theaters will be shut down as well. Meanwhile, restaurants, bars, museums, hotels and other public areas will face new and stricter protocols to help prevent the spread […]